It's completely FREE Classified AD Posting Website to Post Ads for Online Advertising.
No. You can post ads only in English. Ads posted other languages will be automatically deleted.
Plenty of categories will help you to find anything you want from Real Estate ads, Car ads, Jobs, Dating, Fashion, Pets, Kids ads and other.
Yes. You need to create new account in order to post an ad. Click "Register" button on the top of the screen and create new account.
Yes. It's completely free to post ads.
Yes. Users can make their ad featured. (1 Featured ad/per user)
There is no limit to the number of new ads you can post. Duplicate ads removed without warning.
Ads stay on the website for 180 days.
Probably your image is too small. Please check image size. Minimum allowed image dimensions (in pixels) 760x410.
1. Login with your username and password. 2. At the top of the page click on your username, then click dashboard. 3. In the dashboard You will see your ads listed by My Ads, Inactive Ads, Featured Ads. 4. Choose your desired option and click the "pencil" - to edit. You will be redirected to ads page, where you need to click "Edit". 5. Choose your desired option and click the "X" - to delete.
To change your password, simply log in and go to your account dashboard. Then click "Edit Profile" and choose "Change Password". Click the “Update Password” button, when you are done making changes. The next time you log in you will need to use your new password. Please remember that passwords are case sensitive.
From the right side of each ad, there is a button "Report". Simply click "Report" button, fill and submit the form.
When you start posting your ad, on the second page you will find an option "Bidding". You can enable it, by choosing "ON".
If someone responds to your ad by pressing chat button, you will receive notification to your email. If you are logged in, you will see notification on the top bar.
Login to your account. Proceed to dashboard, and click "Messages".
You can add up to 5 photos.
Banner advertising is also called display advertising (visual nature of banner ads). The purpose of banner advertising is to promote a brand. The banner ad can take the visitor from our website to the advertiser’s website or a specific landing page.
Fell free to contact us. You can find contact button below.
Yes. We can help you to create amazing static or animated banners and place them for a small fee.